The Earth's Best Story


“Rip-roaring entrepreneurial tale, packed with drama.”

“Environmentally and socially responsible businesses just don’t happen - they are created by passionate and persistent people… an entertaining and enlightening book for anyone who dares to live their green dreams.

"Ron and Arnie’s story . . . is particularly compelling because it traces the experiences of a couple of guys (twins) who invite us into their thinking, the evolution of their personal and professional lives, and how it all wove together into the evolution of an incredibly successful company . . . The story as a whole is remarkable."

The Earth's Best Story

The Earth’s Best Story is intended for a wide audience, to be read by those interested in entrepreneurship and business, an intimate memoir, inspiration, twins, the organic foods industry and Earth’s Best (the company).

You will be immersed in our journey of taking a big idea and manifesting it and the many lessons learned along the way. You will learn about another view of success and how we discovered it and our many mistakes and how easy they are to make and hopefully avoid.

Our book is about as close as you can get to being in the hot seat and way out on a limb as an entrepreneur, without actually being in that seat. It brings into focus the relevance of biography (family and personal history) and its impact on how a venture unfolds or even whether it unfolds.

It is a “tale” because it’s almost unbelievable. But it’s what happened to us.

Meet The Authors

Arnie Koss &
Ron Koss

Arnie Koss worked with Earth’s Best until 1994. Arnie honed his business skills by founding and operating a number of small entrepreneurial companies in Vermont. He was actively involved in the development of organic certification standards, which eventually led to the Organic Foods Act of 1990. 

Arnie has served as a consultant to several prominent natural products companies and is presently the Managing Partner at aio Food Group, a Hawaii-based product development company that also owns the Punalu’u Bakeshop and Visitor Center on the Big Island of Hawaii. He lives in Hawaii with his family.

Co-founder Ron Koss worked with Earth’s Best until 1995. In addition to developing organic baby food, Ron is a natural foods product innovator. During his long-term employment with the aio Food Group, Ron has secured patents for his work on complete meal supplement ice cream and has also introduced specialized complete meal supplements for people in health recovery situations. 

Presently, he is working on nutritional products for a global relief aid project. Ron enjoys working as a consultant for socially responsible enterprises and has a special interest in group dynamics, organizational development, and conflict resolution. He lives in Vermont with his family.

Why is the founding of Earth's Best, 25 years ago, relevant today to anyone contemplating a business idea or other realm of initiative and enterprise?
People today that are dreaming “big” have to cross the same wasteland separating fantasy and reality that we did 25 years ago. There are no exceptions. Although some of the particular features within that fantastical landscape have changed over the years, the essential elements of the journey remain the same.

And the most essential and fundamentally unchanged element that drives and determines the outcome of any leap into possibility is the entrepreneur, him or herself. Today, The Earth’s Best Story will give any student, entrepreneur, or established professional a front row seat into the mindset, naivete, ignorance, arrogance, and chutzpah that converged to manifest a pioneering company. Anyone hoping and dreaming to accomplish something much bigger than themselves in life will have much to learn and benefit from our adventure in actually doing so.
You refer to yourselves as "mutt" entrepreneurs. What do you mean by that?
Conventional thinking prefers homogeneity, where things look more alike than less and people behave predictably. The rules of the road are written and those following the rules take a certain comfort in their established certainty. There are, for example, understandings about acceptable degrees of risk taking and specific academic credentials required for someone to be considered a “qualified” professional.

As defined by “convention,” Earth’s Best would have never been started in 1987, and we, the Koss brothers, would not have been qualified to be its co-founders. The start-up risks were off the chart and we had an absence of valued credentials. “Mutt” entrepreneurs are not confined or defined by college credentials, academic institution or corporate name pedigree (i.e., Harvard MBA, Nabisco), or previous experience. They are free to think outside the box. And perhaps they do not fully comprehend just exactly what that “box” is. That’s okay, because there is a place for naïve optimism. It may even be an essential component for the innovation process to take its first breath. There is an important place for pedigree and convention, so we are not discounting it. Unfortunately pedigree often fails to value and appreciate what is potentially and uniquely powerful and dynamic about those who do not share its privilege.
What is the secret of building a productive and enduring partnership?
Successful partnerships are worthy of being studied because there are so few of them. We succeeded in launching Earth’s Best baby foods because of the strength and dynamism of our partnership. Many assume outright that we had this huge advantage because of our twinness, but this assumption is in error. Twins, while sharing the same DNA, are not necessarily compatible, aligned, or on the same page as far as values and ambitions. In many cases twins can evolve to be destructively competitive and estranged due to the incessant comparing that frequently accompanies their childhood.

Partnerships, be they family, best friends, or business associates demand:
  • An unwavering commitment to cultivating a “one for all and all for one” mindset
  • An unwavering commitment to time-sensitive and full-disclosure communication
  • An unwavering adherence to the preceding two commitments in the darkest hour of some unimagined debacle.

Ultimately, partnership is about a love and devotion to a relationship that supersedes any “what’s in it for me” or “who’s at fault” impulse. Achieve this and you will realize the holy grail of any relationship: trust. We succeeded because of this trust and it allowed us to lift the incalculable weight of an emerging Earth’s Best. Without it, our partnership and our big idea would have collapsed upon itself very early on.